So i have recieved many "tags" and i just have not taken the time to reply so here it goes...
For all of you have tagged me for my "quirks"...
1. My husband and i are both OCD. Only his are good, for the most part. And i love his OCD!
He is a "neat freak"! A place for everything and everything in it's place. When he gets undressed he neatly folds his dirty clothes and puts them in the laundry basket. He keeps our house organized as best he can with a wife he lives with piles. "this is my RS pile, this is my kids stuff pile etc" If he touches my piles i am lost. I am the same way at work (huh Kenz). His one negative OCD is that he CANNOT multi task. do not talk to him while he is driving he wont remember the conversation, don't ask him to take out the trash if he is folding laundry he won't remember you aksed, don't give him anything while watching John Wayne he will lose it!
2. I am a Christmasaholic. I love all things Christmas. I can watch Christmas movies all year, I can listen to Christmas music all year, I could have a tree up all year. So the fact that i have not been the one to put up the Christams tree or play the Christmas music for the last few years concerns me. Thanks Katee for stepping up for me.
3 I kind of like my gray hair. Ok I know that sounds weird but here is the deal. it reminds of where i have been and what i have been thru and that i am still here. It tells me i am ok with who i am and where i am at. I will admit that if i lived in Idaho i probably would have had Kenz color it but i don't have some one in Utah that i feel comfortable asking to do it. My beautiful aunt Mary used to always be my go to girl but i am not agile enough to get around her bathroom or kitchen sink. If i colored it myself i am sure i would turn it orange or green or worse cause it to fall out. and i would really rather be gray than bald, we will leave that for my husband.
4 I love blogs. Ok i am not the kind of person who lives to read strangers blogs. I just love spying on my friends thru their blogs. sometimes i comment but most the time i just read. i learn a lot, i feel connected to them and it makes me happy. i will confess there are 4 blogs i read, that are from people i admire but have never met, they probably think i am a stalker. Hey i figure its better than sitting at home watching tv all night.
i love to read. i am very particular about what i read though. i will read fiction if it has a good moral, or it takes me to a better place. i mostly read LDS fiction when it comes to fiction. I love good mystery, i love a good conversion story, i am ok with a romance or two but i DO NOT read Anita books. i love a good general authority book, or a self help book that is real. i generally do not read Oprah's picks, they tend to be too graphic for my tender heart.
6 i have a tender heart, but an irish temper. (i have no idea if i have any irish ancestry) i cry easily, i laugh easily and i get angry easily. work with me you'll always have a place in my heart, cross me or anyone close to my heart and well....
7 i love email forwards. i hate when they say i have to send it to 27 friends or my luck will run out. i usually take that out before i send it on, but when i get a forward it tells me someone thought about me today. maybe it was just so they had 10 people to send it on to, but hey i am still on their email list right.
8 i am a collector. it makes my husband crazy (see #1). i collect books, statues, people whatever i can find. i am sure it comes from losing a lot as a child but as an adult i hang on to things. if its broke i think one day i will fix it. if its a book i know one day i will read it, if its people, well i don't have any of them hidden away in boxes at home just in my heart. (it's probably the reason for my faccebook fascination). i moved a lot as a child and i never wanted that for my kids but alas thru the many moves i have collected many dear friends and never want to lose them
9 i am looking forward to being a grandma (see #3). I had amazing grandparents. My grandma Coombs always my role model, i want to be just like her ok without the scary basement and mice. i will will have sleepovers, we will watch Lawrence Welk (i hope the reruns are still on when i am a grandma) we will have bbq's and family picnics. we will love shopping for underwear and jammies and avon perfume (ok if i have grandsons i may be in trouble here). i will take them visiting teaching with me and let them help me cook. Like my Grandpa Fillmore i will send birthday cards in the mail cause it's always more fun to "get good mail".
10 last but not least, i am usually OCD about grammar except for blogging and facebook. for some reason ll that goes out the window.
so that's me, all the weird things you never wanted to know.
I guess now i am supposed to tag my friends, and about the only ones who have not tagged me are Aunt Mary, Denalee and Katee so consider yourselves tagged!
love ya!