Sunday, February 22, 2009

Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail.

This is picture of my family. My CUTE little Mom and Dad, my ADORABLE Grandpa, my AMAZING sisters (Paula, Marci and Toni) and my DARLING BIG BROTHER David! My brother is in the military! He is one of my heroes! He really is, despite the fact that he was pinching me at the time this picture was taken (he gets that from our Dad). David has been deployed for the last year. He was nervous about this mission and he does not usually ask for ANYTHING but on this deployment he asked repeatedly for prayers for him and his men. Since he rarely asks I knew it was important. I was so grateful that my kids felt the importance of it as well and i can honestly say in the last 12 months not one prayer has been offered in my home that did not include my big brother and his men. I am pretty sure I can say the same thing for my parents, all my sisters and their families. Well for 12 months those prayers were answered and my brother and his men are all back in the US safe! Hopefully soon they will be back with their families.
I am also very grateful for the work that they do. We will never know how many times they put their lives on the line for our safety and freedom. They do this willingly. They volunteer, they are not required to serve in the military like so many other countries are. My thankfulness to them cannot really be put into words.
One scripture comes to mind when I think of him and what he does.
25 And it came to pass that there were two hundred, out of my two thousand and sixty, who had fainted because of the loss of blood; nevertheless, according to the goodness of God, and to our great astonishment, and also the joy of our whole army, there was not one soul of them who did perish; yea, and neither was there one soul among them who had not received many wounds.

26 And now, their preservation was astonishing to our whole army, yea, that they should be spared while there was a thousand of our brethren who were slain. And we do justly ascribe it to the miraculous power of God, because of their exceeding faith in that which they had been taught to believe—that there was a just God, and whosoever did not doubt, that they should be preserved by his marvelous power.

27 Now this was the faith of these of whom I have spoken; they are young, and their minds are firm, and they do put their trust in God continually.
I love you David! Welcome home!
I cannot talk about David with out mentioning his ADORABLE wife Colette. She is another hero.
She has been a military wife for almost 22 years. I do not know how she does it. I can say she was included in every prayer offered as well cause David couldn't do what he does with out her support. Thanks Colette for being so WONDERFUL! I love you!

Who so loved the world that he gave his own life, that as many as would believe...D&C 34:3

The last few years have been a real struggle for me. (I am bearing more of my soul today then I usually do but its for a reason. I hope to be able to do justice to the gratitude I have for my Heavenly Father.) All I ever wanted to do or be was a Mom. I wanted to be the kind of Mom my foster mom's were to me. I wanted to give my kids a safe home that was filled with gospel teachings and love for Our Savior Jesus Christ. I honestly feel like I have failed miserably.
I should have been more patient, I should have spoke in soft tones, I should have had more faith in trying times.
The last few years I have watched my sons struggle with their testimonies. I have watched my daughter struggle with her identity.I have watched all my children struggle with the belief that prayers for them are answered. As a mom I just want to fix all of that for them. When we made the move from Idaho back to Utah I had hoped it would get better but for me it has only gotten harder. One son quit going to church all together, the other moved out, one daughter struggles more with finding herself now more than before because she compares herself to her cousin here and my other daughter is having a hard time fitting in. I live with my husband now but feel more alone than when i didn't and for the first time ever in my life my faith has waivered.
Today in Sacrament meeting as the meeting began I felt even more alone then ever and as the Sacrament hymn began I really wanted to get up and leave! As I forced myself to sing the words to the hymn the most overwhelming feeling of love and comfort totally enveloped me. I found myself in tears, but singing the hymn with more conviction than I had sung in years.

God loves us so he sent His Son
Christ Jesus the atoning One
To show us by the path He trod
The one and only way to God.

He came as man , though Son of God
And bowed Himself beneath the rod
He died in holy innocence,
A broken law to recompense

Oh love effulgent, love divine!
What debt of gratiude is mine,
That in His offering I have part
And hold a place within His heart!

I am eternally grateful for the opportunity today to feel the Spirit so warmly and so strong today. I am also grateful for the reminder that even when we lack faith in ourselves He NEVER lacks faith in us!
I don't know how things will work out or where i go from here but I know I havea renewed strength to go on. The closing story in Relief Society was this from President Eyring's talk this last conference during the Preisthood session.

"For instance, President Thomas S. Monson remembered the promised words of the Savior as he blessed me six months ago to stand fearlessly in my calling when it seemed hard. These words of the Savior, which He gave to His tiny band of priesthood holders in this dispensation, came to the prophet’s mind as he laid his hands on my head: “And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.”1
The promise which President Monson remembered and quoted was fulfilled for me. Confidence replaced doubt, the Spirit came, medical helpers were inspired, my life was preserved, and I was borne up. Because of that blessing by President Monson, it will always be easy for me to remember the Savior and trust His promise that He goes before and beside us in His service.
I know that the promise of angels to bear us up is real. You might want to bring to memory the assurance of Elisha to his frightened servant. That assurance is ours when we feel close to being overwhelmed in our service. Elisha faced real and terrible opposition:

“And when the servant of the man of God was risen early, and gone forth, behold, an host compassed the city both with horses and chariots. And his servant said unto him, Alas, my master! how shall we do?
“And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.
“And Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.”
Like that servant of Elisha, there are more with you than those you can see opposed to you. Some who are with you will be invisible to your mortal eyes. The Lord will bear you up"

So many of you have been there to bear me up. I express my gratitude to you too.

And ye must give thanks unto God...D&C 46:32

I missed my chance to post my blessings last week because I had some health issues come up. I am anxious today to express my gratitude for the blessings I have received the last 2 weeks.

1. I would be making a big mistake if I did not start with todays AMAZING blessing. I am not sure how to put into the right words. Let's just list it as feeling the Spirit. I will add another post a bit later to explain.

2. Ammon 2nd and 26th wards. I know I have been nowhere near any of the ward members this week, but it has been a hard week and I am 300+ miles away from these friends, but their thoughts and prayers have been felt this week. They are an amazing example of love and friendship and caring even after I have moved from the boundaries.

3. Modern medicine!

4.Friends. I will post about this abit later too.

5. Jeffy! Hey is my adorable "little" nephew. I just love him, and am grateful for his love and example.

6.The Dawes family! Dinner was wonderful and very appreciated.

7. Bishop Kenison, Bro. Armes and Brother Lewis. Thanks for the calls and concern.

8. My family. Thanks for taking care of me. Dan, Wade and Garrett, thanks for driving all the way down!

9. Julie, April, Gladys, Sallie, Becky, Kris, Linda, Kris, Brenda and Emily for believing in me and encouraging me and being patient with me at work!

10. My big brother David is sortof home. I'll post about this a bit later too!

11. Sister Lewis' amazing Relief Society lesson.

It has been a wonderful 2 weeks of blessings.

Monday, February 16, 2009

And inasmuch as my people build a house unto me....D&C 97:15

So for Valentines Day we went as half the family to the Draper Temple open house! It was a great way to spend the evening. The rooms are just breathtaking. Krysta's favorite room was the Celestial Room. She said it was peaceful and pretty. Katee's favorite was the Sealing Room. She loved the mirrors. Earls favorite was also the Sealing Room, he liked seeing all his "girls" there.
My favorite was the ordinance room with all the aspen trees.
I love the peacefulness of the temple. I love the beauty. I love the history of the temples and I

was grateful for the short film telling bout the sacrifices made to build the early temples. I remember when the Jordan River Temple was being considered and I remember receiving a request from the Bishop to doanate to build that temple. I was only 11 years old and I think I was given the amount of $12. Which isn't much but it was something. Enough to make it my temple.
I wondered how my children would ever have that same feeling of sacrifice or ownership.
I guess I didn't need to worry because on the way home they were calling the new Oquirrh Mountain Temple their temple. We also learned that in the summer there would be a HUGE celebration for dedicating these 2 new Houses of the Lord, and my girls will ge to be a part. I am so excited for them. if you have not seen the new Temple yet, there is still time. Just go to and get all the info you need.

Monday, February 9, 2009

And he did exhort them then with all the feeling of a tender parent...

This is MY Dad. I just love him so much. This whole month he is away. I miss him. I love to hear him bear testimony of our Savior and of Joseph Smith. I love to just sit and hold his hand. I always feel so safe, protected and loved when i am with him. Thanks Dad for being the best!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

... great blessings poured out upon their heads...

I have been looking forward to listing my blessings this week. It isn't because I have had amazing miracles take place in my life, or anything earth shattering happen, i just need to do it to help me not get caught up in all the things that seem to not be going ... well lets just say not the way I had it pictured in my mind.

1. scriptures, today i am truly grateful for having them. I listen to them often but i had a couple opportunities to really feast on them this week and even though it didn't answer my questions, it gave me peace.

2. stake conference! I love our stake president he is incredible. I tried to go prepared to get help with some struggles and feelings i have been having lately. Again i didn't get my answers straight out but he did help me see things differnently and in a new perspective.

3. my job. its not that i have the most amazing job that i just can't wait to get up and go to every morning, but that i have a job, and i am starting to get the hang of it (i hope) and i am starting to feel like i fit in.

4. Julie. she is a sweet young mom that i work with and she is training me. she has so much patience with me. I am truly grateful for her this week.

5. April, she is another co worker who is so positive and reassuring.

6. email :o) I love connecting with old friends and keeping up with family.

7. Sunrises and sunsets. we have sure had some pretty ones this week. I love a great sunrise cause it gives me something to look forward too, and a sunset lets me know i successfully made it thru another day.

8. MISSION CALLS. I am so excited for Wade and cannot wait to hear about Ryan's. I look forward to writing and encouraging these young men as they serve as fulltime missionaries for the Savior.

9. Internet. On it i find great quotes like these.

Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful. ~ Unknown

The measure of our success as parents, however, will not rest solely on how our children turn out. That judgment would be just only if we could raise our families in a perfectly moral environment, and that now is not possible.
It is not uncommon for responsible parents to lose one of their children, for a time, to influences over which they have no control. They agonize over rebellious sons or daughters. They are puzzled over why they are so helpless when they have tried so hard to do what they should.
It is my conviction that those wicked influences one day will be overruled. ~ Boyd K Packer

10. New days and second chances.

Until next weeks blessings....

"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great." ~ Mark Twain

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God, ye are called to the work. D&C 4:3

This is Wade. He is the son i didn't have to go thru labor for :o).
Two nights ago I got a call from Dan and Wade. They were both in tears. Now as a mom getting a call at 10:00 pm from two boys and all you can hear is crying, and they are in Idaho, well lets just say it's a bit of a heart stopper! Dan never did calm down enough to talk to me but Wade did.
He got his mission call! These boys have been thru a lot to get to this point. They have been good for each other and bad for each other at different times. Knowing what they have gone thru to get to this. I am so very PROUD of them. Dan will start his papers in few weeks when Bishop Lords feels its right. In the mean time WAY TO GO WADE!

In my scripture reading this morning i came across a scripture for you, Wade~

Mosiah 7:12
...I am very thankful before God this day that I am yet ALIVE, and am permitted to speak; and I will endeavor to speak with boldness.

Wade you have been through so much and have made the right choices at this time in your life!
You had some close calls and you are yet alive to speak. Speak with boldness thru the Spirit Wade, rely on the Lord, keep the commandments and mission rules, serve faithfully and you will be so blessed. I love you bud!

Ok for those who want to know Wade is going to Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He leaves April 22.
73 days. shall be your families. D&C 136:11

These are 2 of my sisters. Marci on the left and Toni on the right. Yesterday was Marci's birthday. Today I express my gratitude for my sister. She is amazing. She is the mother of 9 great kids, of those 9, 7 are boys who all have incredible spouses, and 2 are girls. Tiff is too young to marry, and Ginger is too smart to marry :o) Marci has 7 adorble grandsons and 7 amazing granddaughters. They are her greatest joy. I love to hear her talk about them.

Marci came into my life when I was 14. I remember the first time I met her she was pregnant with Adam. I went to Montana with my mom to help her when Adam was born. Adam is number 8. To her, from day one I was her baby sister. I am forever grateful for that. Besides being one of my best friends and confidants here is what I love about Marci:

1. She has the most amazing smile and the BEST laugh!

2. She has a REALLY strong testimony. Her love for Our Savior, and her trust and faith in Him are second to none (but tied with Mom and Dad's)

3. My girls have to chime in on this one, Katee says the best thing about Aunt Marci is that she always makes you laugh, Krysta says she thinks she is incredible because she raised an amazing family (and that she lives on a farm)!

4. Marci has taught me that even though your physical body may not work the way you want it's no reason to get down. She has RA and she never let's it stop her from doing what she wants or needs to do!

5. Marci has a huge heart and a tender spirit. We can be the biggest crybabies when we get together and if you throw my mom and other amazing sisters in the mix we can rival the teton flood :o)

6 Marci knows how to work hard and she does (good gravy she raised 9 kids and a husband on a farm with sheep and cows, enough said).

I am so very grateful for you Marci and I love you a ton. You are one of the best role models a little sister could have! For YOU I am thankful!!

Happy Birthday!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

...Always returning thanks unto God for whatsover things ye do recieve. Alma 7:23

So January's goal was on Joy and I am still working on that. For February I am chossing to work on Thankfulness ( i was going to say gratitude, but gratidue is not in the topical guide of the Book of Mormon, so thankfulness it is).

I must add a disclaimer here, cause i don't want to plagerize. My best friend, (my twin born a year to the day earlier and to different parents, that's another blog) has a tradition of writing her blessings on her blog every saturday. In my attempt to be more thankful I am going to try to post my blessings every sunday. I know she wont mind me being a copy cat cause she is great like that! Another word of warning my memory is not always so great, so i have a notebook at my desk at work and a "journal" on my nightstand that i can write down daily blessings, hopefully it will put me in the habit of noticing things i am grateful for AND things that bring me JOY!

So for the week past here is what i am grateful for:

1. Sister Robbins and Sister Horrocks. I have lived in my current ward for almost 2 years now.
I have not had visiting teachers, i have one sweet sister i have been a visiting teacher to ( she is so overwhelme by her 2 sweet babies that Sacrament is she can handle) but the others i have visited are inactive and do not want visiting teachers. Needless to say it has been a bit lonely. Earl and I have been teaching Primary so i know a few sisters, but i cannot say i have a friend in this ward that i can just sit with. Last Sunday Sister Robbins sat next to me in RS. I usually sit all alone. I am grateful for Sister Robbins. Sister Horrocks is this sweet new sister in the ward she is trying her best to be the new chorister in RS but is overwhelmed. I got the chance to offer her some comfort. It was so nice to be needed.

2. Facebook. I know it sounds corny, but i have been so lonely here. It is hard when you are young marrieds, and moms to keep in touch with old friends, and thru Facebook, i have caught up with so many dear friends. It has been so fun to walk down memory lane but it has been such a blessing to have these friends in my life again. These friends shaped my testimony, and encouraged me thru really tough times. Another blessing my kids do not even mind that i have a Facebook page.

3. Scriptures on CD. I miss the talks and music i used to listen to at my previous job. They gave me the courage to keep going. My new job is so difernent and it has been a big adjustment. I have started listening to the scriptures on CD at work. I can complete the Book of Mormon in about 5 days, the New Testament in 3, the D&C in 3 and i am going to brave the Old Testament this month. I'll let ya know how it goes. ( i know it's not studying, but it's better than talk radio and the budget doesn't allow for purchasing all the ones i used to listen to for free).

4. My kids! They are great.

5. Earl, he is so patient with me.

6. My job, cause so many don't have them right now. I also have a really amazing boss. She is as patient with me as Lee was, and has as much trust too. I am truly grateful.

7. Brenda she brings me home from work a lot of days, she is such a blessing!

8. Email. Cause sometimes a great email gets me thru a tough day. (I even love forwards cause it means someone tought of me that day.)

9. Good health days.

10. Snuggling with Katee at the end of a long day.

11. Brendan for teaching me about repentance and forgiveness.

12. The Sacrament and the opportunity to repent and be forgiven.

13. Testimonies and those who share them. They strenghten me. Even the ones that ramble because they help me remember not to judge.

14. YOU! thanks for enduring a long post!

check it out...

Just a note, Katee uploaded the pics from the camera, so if you wanted to see Krysta'a CNA grad pics they are posted on that blog post :o)

More JOY

you may want to stop the music that generally plays, so you can hear the music for the dance.
Dano is on the far left in the beginning.
Dano is the cute one in the back on the right side.
In this one he is the one in the front on the right when the dance starts.

You can occassionally here our family cheering him on. The video is not the best because its a digital camera, but at least you can see why watching him perform brings me joy!
I love this kid, and I am grateful he shares his talent!